Nutrire receives environmental certification from Alcaplas
The company reduced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 12 tons in less than a year.
In February, Nutrire received the certificate of social and environmental benefits for using resigns and for recycling plastic packaging following sustainable practices. The document, which is issued by Alcaplas, acknowledges the work and commitment to environmental protection and responsibility activities.
A study conducted by Australia’s National Weather Discovery Center has reported that human society could collapse by 2050 due to climate change. In addition, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has shown that carbon dioxide levels in Earth’s atmosphere are higher than at any point since 1958.
These are just some of the data easily found in international publications and studies. However, little is said about the practical actions that companies can take to help prevent this collapse. “Sustainable consumption is a set of practices related to the consumption of products and services that aim to minimize or even eliminate impacts on the environment,” Nutrire’s environmental specialist, Murilo Souza, explains.
Nutrire, which produces pet food and has its headquarters in Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais, understands the urgency of environmental processes to be analyzed and reviewed. “Throughout its history, Nutrire has researched about the benefits of using sustainable materials, and the company believes that these small actions can make a big difference for the region and even for the planet. Therefore, it has been investing in studies and research on sustainable products to be used in its processes,” he adds.
Nutrire also invests in partnerships for the appropriate disposal of packaging waste, thus helping and enabling the productive expansion of waste picker cooperatives, promoting voluntary delivery points and investing in awareness campaigns, in order to raise consumer awareness about proper separation and disposal of packages.
“The Mauna Loa Atmospheric Baseline Observatory in Hawaii has also revealed that last year there was an increase of 3.5 parts per million (ppm) in CO2 emissions, one of the main gases responsible for the greenhouse effect. With the continuous increase in this and other greenhouse gases emissions, global warming has reached a critical moment,” Mr. Souza warns.
The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has reported that a 1.5°C rise above pre-industrial levels before 2100 could pose serious risks to life. That’s why environmental programs developed by industries focusing on employees are also so important. “We created the program ‘Good Environmental Practices’, in which employees are expected to follow the current environmental standards. In addition, we set a good practical example, as only 3% of our waste goes to landfills. Our industrial waste is co-processed, which is an environmentally adequate final destination of waste in cement kilns,” he explains.
Nutrire has also entered a partnership with the local community, so that all organic waste is composted and turns to fertilizer applied to pasture. “Electronic waste is sent to Ambe Gerenciamento de Resíduos Tecnológicos, where it is separated and sent for recycling,” the specialist concludes.